502 people yet to receive their second dose

Naoero Public Health has told Nauru Media in an interview that 502 people are yet to receive their second dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine with just 2 days left till the second dose of the vaccine expires after 15 July.

The vaccination team is doing its job diligently to reach the targeted number and achieve 100 percent coverage but people are slowly coming in to get vaccinated while others visited at home by the mobile team say they have already taken their second shot.

Naoero Public Health is encouraging and urging people who have not taken their second dose to visit public health’s Baby Clinic from 9am to 5pm to get their second shot before the vaccines expire after Thursday July 15 because there will no more available. If you have no transport, the team can be contacted on 5542569 and a home visit can be arranged in order for you to get your second shot.

So, if you are one of the 502 who has not received your second dose, visit Naoero Public Health today before the vaccination ends after July 15 to get vaccinated and be fully protected so you, your family and Nauru are safe and remain COVID free.


Photo supplied Nauru Media News - NTV