UPNG SRC Lawyer Laken Lepatu Aigilo

UPNG’s contempt motion against lawyer adjourned

The University of Papua New Guinea is seeking contempt charges against Laken Lepatu Aigilo alleging he breached National Court orders that were issued on June 8, the same day the shooting took place on campus.

The matter came for mention before Justice Hitelai Polume-Kiele on Monday however, could not proceed further as Aigilo was also not present in court.

Court: Personally serve UPNG SRC lawyer the contempt motion

This should happen before the court can hear its motion.

The university filed a motion on July 11 seeking contempt charges against Laken Lepatu Aigilo, the lawyer representing Kenneth Rapa as SRC president and his other SRC members.

The matter came before Justice Hitelai Polume-Kiele today, who adjourned the hearing to Sept 13, after Aigilo told the court he was not personally served the motion.

The court said contempt charges sought must be served personally on the alleged contemnor before it can be heard.

UPNG seeks contempt charge against SRC lawyer

The notice of motion filed by UPNG seeks to have Aigilo charged for contempt, alleging he breached National Court orders that were issued on June 8, the same day the shooting took place on campus.

That motion is expected to be heard in court on Thursday, Aug 18.

On June 8, the UPNG administration obtained restraining orders from the Waigani National Court against members of the Student Representative Council from boycotting classes.