Cohort in Project Management first for Nauru

The University of the South Pacific (USP), Pacific Technical and Further Education (Pacific TAFE), is currently facilitating a cohort in Certificate IV in Project Management in Nauru.

The Cohort which began on 19 November will run for approximately five months with block courses and online support. 

Participants are from Government Departments, Government Corporations and Instrumentalities and the private sector. 

USP, Pacific TAFE Project Management Consultant Roger Goodman said he looks forward to the delivery of the training.

“I have been a member of the Project Management profession for over 30 years,” he said. “I am totally in awe of the way the students around the Pacific have adopted the learning, necessary to meet the academic standard as well as create viable projects. These have included desalination plants, sea wall repair, environmental clean-up, out of date groceries, school buildings, road and infrastructure, Solar power, community projects to combat drug and alcohol abuse, and the list goes on.

One of the participants, Clivaz Bop, the Assistant Sector Planner in the Finance Department thanked the Government of Nauru for nominating him to attend the Certificate IV in Project Management.

“The course will assist in many areas in our department operations, as we mainly involve with donor projects funded by Governments respective partners, assisting the Government of Nauru in development – I would like to the thank the Government of Nauru in nominating me to attend the training,” he said.

“This will enable us to manage and assess a project effectively using the principles applied in Certificate IV in Project Management, hence, this will also apply to our national sustainable development strategy, monitoring departments, making sure they are aligned to the national goals and their AOP report has been updated and also our daily financial components of projects.”

Meanwhile, Marissa Cook – Director of Agriculture, Department of Commerce, Industry and Environment one of the other participants assisted by the Government of Nauru said she was looking forward to the delivery of the training.

i am very thankful to the government and very keen to partake in the course,” she said. “Moreover knowing the support extended by the Government is great especially finance wise. It gives people like me the confidence to pursue further studies.”

 She also called on for more Cohorts in Project Management in Nauru in the near future.

“I trust that there is a need for more Cohorts in Project Management in Nauru.  I believe there are many people out there who want to be up skilled and have missed out. Let me say that the end result will trigger the interest of the public especially if the tutorial was excellent,” she said.


Photo USP 


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