Has Kanye put back his presidential bid to 2024?

Kanye West is back on Twitter and it looks like he may have delayed his bid to become a future US president.

He hasn't been on social media as much since being treated in hospital last month.

The rapper posted to explain his meeting with President-elect Donald Trump , saying it was "to discuss multicultural issues".

However, his final post just said "#2024" - thought to be a nod to his own ambitions to run for president.

He first announced his interest in the job at the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards.

Back then he said he would run in 2020. Some are suggesting he's put it back to give Donald Trump the chance of a second term in office.

Kanye West said recently, had he actually voted in this year's election, he would have supported the Republican.

He met with him at Trump Towers on Tuesday and posed for a photo, telling reporters: "I just want to take a picture right now."

Later he explained on Twitter that he feels "it is important to have a direct line of communication with our future President if we truly want change".

He said the two of them talked about multicultural issues including "bullying, supporting teachers, modernizing curriculums, and violence in Chicago".

Mr Trump said he and the rapper were "just friends" and described Kanye as a "good man" but did not say whether he would perform at the presidential inauguration in January.
