Papua New Guinea Cancer Foundation

​Moresby students participate in health program

The students were from Kopkop College, Limana Vocational Centre and Paradise High School.

The health awareness was carried out at the Moresby Arts Theatre (MAT) during its ‘PRIDE Youth Arts Program'.

PRIDE is a week-long program for schools in Moresby that aims to influence education, confidence-building and the development of expressive abilities in young people.

The health program focused on empowering teens with information on healthy eating and the benefits of regular exercise.

​Over 100 referred for checkup after cancer screening

The Papua New Guinea Cancer Foundation (PNGCF) confirmed that 490 people were screened for breast and mouth cancer and 130 of them were referred.

A survey was also carried out which highlighted the need for more cancer awareness campaigns in PNG so that people can protect themselves and their families from it.

The cervical and breast cancer education workshop saw that there still needs to be more awareness on cervical cancer.