Nauru Covid-19 Taskforce conducts successful practice drill

A Covid-19 practice drill was conducted on Thursday by staging two scenarios at NRPC 1 and Anibare village.

A symptomatic resident attending NRPC was tested positive with a lockdown implemented in Anibare village to trace contact.

Nauru Media News – NTV reports the practice drill was conducted in camp 1 with the fourth scenario involving Covid-19 symptomatic residents attending NRPC 1 received medical treatment and to also undergo Covid-19 testing that returned positive, resulting in a lockdown of NRPC 1 and contact tracing initiated.

Contact tracing identified that the person had made contact with a canstruct tradesman who resides in Anibare Village causing a lockdown of Anibare Village.

At Anibare Village Nauru Police locked down the area with residents alerted and isolated until contact tracing was completed.

The fifth scenario involved Nauru Police force enforcing security to communities nearby.

Some communities may comply with laws being put in place but some may not, however Nauru Police Force managed to tackle and capture the person breaching the lockdown.

The Department of health then commenced with the formalities of interviewing the person that had made contact with the person of interest in NRPC 1.

He was isolated and transferred to NRPC 1 for further Covid-19 testing.

This the 4th and 5th practice drill being conducted in regards to Nauru's Capture and Contain policy.


Photo Nauru Media News- NTV/Facebook