Jiwaka students say thank you before leaving city

The University of Papua New Guinea’s Jiwaka students have extended their gratitude to those who had helped them during their stay in the capital city.

UPNG Jiwaka Students Union (JSU) leader and president of the Highlands Region, Hercules Palme Jim, said the Anglimp-South Waghi and North Waghi students were the last to leave Port Moresby yesterday.

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank and appreciate those involved in retrieving our students.

“They have been struggling to survive in one of the most expensive cities in the world, Port Moresby, when our endless calls to our Members of Parliament failed.

“Thank you Hon Mai Dop for the 11 tickets to the Jimi students who flew 2 weeks ago.
Special thank you to Dr Patrus Amban and Peter Bosip for the coordination and for facilitating this important humanitarian scheme.

“Jiwaka has fertile land and human resource. Nothing else and nothing more. Thus, taking such a bold stand to help the pride of Jiwaka and our human resource is much appreciated by the students and general Jiwaka community.”

 Jim also thanked the JSU president, Michael Mek, and Brent Mike for the initiative and leadership.

“I should say you both have shown maturity in leading the future of Jiwaka in such crucial time. May God bless you both in the future ahead.

 “To the Jiwaka students, you have fought a good fight. Take care back home.”

The student leaders are planning on organising awareness activities in their respective areas.

(The students before their departure at the Jackson's airport yesterday.)

Press release