Miss Nauru visits ADC and hospital kids

Miss Nauru Lucina Detsiogo visited the Able Disable Centre (ADC) and children in hospital on Friday.

The visit to ADC is part of Lucina’s school visit program which she started as her first community engagement during 22-24 February to promote and encourage education.

Miss Nauru was gladly met by the ADC students and teachers who also sang her songs and presented her with a fan, necklace and matching earrings that they made themselves.

Lucina was moved by the singing and learned a few sign greetings from student-turned-teacher Conroy Detabene.

Miss Nauru then presented the school with trays of sweets, popcorn, muffins and cakes.

Later in the afternoon Miss Nauru visited the children’s ward at the Republic of Nauru Hospital. There were five girls and three boys. They all received a gift bag each from Miss Nauru, with the girls receiving tiaras and the boys kings crowns. The older children also received colour books and pencils while the very young patients under a year old received toiletries.

During her visit other adult patients requested her to visit them for a quick chat and photo op.

It was a fulfilling and rewarding day for Miss Nauru and one she will remember and appreciate.


Joanna Olsson